Mummy MOT - A Comprehensive Post Natal Checkup

The Mummy MOT post natal checkup is with Clare Haslam. Clare is a Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist within the NHS and has been for over 10 years. She is a member of the special interest group Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecology Physiotherapy (POGP) and is a fully certified and licensed Mummy MOT practitioner.

 A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal one hour examination for women after having had vaginal or C-section deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after childbirth. As a Mummy MOT Physiotherapist, It will provide you with gentle exercises and treatment to help with your recovery and get you back on track with your fitness goals.

Weak pelvic floor

Weakened tummy muscles

Diastasis recti (separated tummy muscles)


Postural issues

Csection scar management


Your pelvic floor is essential for good posture, bladder and bowel control and for sexual enjoyment. However pelvic floor health is often ignored until there is a problem. The pelvic floor muscles may be weak and underactive or they may be overactive, causing pain and dysfunction. The pelvic floor can be affected by childbirth, we can help your recovery after giving birth, whether that be by a  vaginal delivery or a caesarean section.

Assessment takes the form of an in depth history taking particular note of any relevant medical, obstetric or gynaecology history.  The assessment will also involve a check of your posture, including your tummy muscles and then an internal vaginal or rectal examination (with your consent). 

Treatments may include pelvic floor work such as gentle manual therapy and exercises, with core stability work and exercise therapy.  Other treatments such as neuromuscular electrical nerve stimulation or biofeedback may be used.  Bladder retraining and urge suppression technniques can often really help calm down an Overactive Bladder. You may be given a bladder and bowel diary to complete prior to your appointment.  Fluid advice and dietary advice is also a part of treatment.  Abdominal Massage and defecation techniques may be taught to you to help improve your bowel function.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 adults will have some problem with their bladder or bowel function. Sadly often this is unreported and people suffer in silence. There is so much that physiotherapy can do to help improve this.

Physiotherapy is recommended as a first-line treatment for Urinary Incontinence and a course of supervised pelvic floor exercises is recommended in the treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse. NICE Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women NG123

Appointment times minimum 60 mins £90.00

 To book please email

To read more about Women’s Health Physiotherapy with Clare Haslam please click here